
Submit a listing to promote your organisation

The easiest way to promote your organisation to local residents and visitors is to create a listing with Visit Bolton.

You have the freedom to update this page as often as you like too, meaning people will always have the most up-to-date info on your organisation, latest offers, events and deals.

Listings are only available to organisations in Bolton and all listing submissions will be reviewed by Visit Bolton, so please allow up to two weeks for approval.


If you only want to list an event and not an organisation, head straight to our event listing page.

LIST YOUR EVENT calendar-icon

Submit listing

Please enter your listing information below. Field with a * are mandatory.

    1.About you

    Your first name and surname
    We'll contact you about your submission, so please provide a valid email address

    2.Your listinG

    Name of your organisation or business
    List the category most suited to your organisation or business
    Choose the category most suited to your organisation or business
    Choose the sub-category most suitable for your organisation or business. You can select more than one option


    Full overview about your organisation/business. This will appear on your main listing page - max 200 words
    A short overview that will be used on the listings landing page to tell people about your organisation/business - max 100 characters
    Tell people about the amenities available at your venue to help them organise their visit
    Tell people about the amenities available at your venue to help them organise their visit
    Full address of your organisation/business
    Add the postcode of your organisation/business
    add your opening times. Click ‘add another row’ to add more times
    Add your opening times. Click ‘add another row’ to add more times

    4. organisation CONTACT DETAILS

    The email address for customers to email
    The phone number customers should call
    The website address customers should visit
    What action do you want customers to take? For example 'Reserve a table' or 'Book ticket'.
    Main link customers should click, for example, to a booking page
    What do you want the call to action button to say?


    If you want customers to know more about your organisation/business, you can add it here
    Add one main image here (max size 10MB), more images can be added in your portal when live. HEIC format not accepted.
    Add one main image here [size 10MB], more images can be added in your portal when live. HEIC format not accepted.

    Oops, something is not quite right!

    Please check that all the details in the form above are correct.